Friday, October 30, 2009


Here's the porch that we're trying to mimic. We believe this was an addition in the 1910's. The pillars seems to be nearly identical to the ones on the original porch seen later in the this blog. This porch is closest to the street. The mudroom addition is further back and to the left. (pillar to pillar approx 31') Since this is a new addition I don't think we need identical (i.e. custom) pillars but something close to what's here. There's enough space and depth between them that they don't need to be identical (it would be different if I was replacing one from this porch).

I didn't go with a custom exact match door for the mudroom door either. I bought something similar and we will add similar moulding around it. The new mudroom door has a transom and sidelights. The old door only transom.

Here are the measurements for the present columns:
  • the fluted shaft of the column is 85"
  • bottom shaft circumference: 41" diameter: 13"
  • top shaft diameter: 11" (approx)
  • 18 flutes
  • the square on the top of the shaft (abacus? or top plinth): 3"
  • plinth: 2"
  • Torus: 3.5"
  • Echinus 3"

If we decide on a custom column I will provide exact measurements (these are approximate).

This is the other porch - original to the house. I believe the pillars are the original style from 1825. I did not measure these. You cannot see these columns and the mudroom columns at the same time.

This is the new mudroom entrance. Floor to roof overhang is approximately 9'.

Here's my architect's drawing of the front of the house. The mudroom pillars are approximately 23' behind the brick facade of the house. The front porch is another 8.5'. The original porch would be to the right of this picture. The drawing is 11 x 14 and my scanner did not capture the whole thing.

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